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Gruet, Allenwinden bei Baar

Notes from booklet "Die Korporationsbuerger von Baar", Ph. Andermatt, Baar, 1908:
P 61: Die Korporation Grueth
(my comments in brackets)

This Korporation is different from the other ones in Baar. Gruet has personal exploitation rights: it's not necessary to have property's in Gruet, if you are Buerger of Gruet. This is similar to the rights in Zug, Ober/Unteraegeri and Walchwil.

At Habsburg times Grueth was forest. Soon hunters of this lineage cleared an area and built a house. Later nobles of Schnabelburg (on Albis mountain), Huenenberg (In western part of Kanton Zug), Esch (?) were using the fertile soil and were building homes and estates.

The knights of Grueth were residing in the citadel Bohlgutsch in Zug. Obviously Grueth extended as far down as Zug. Part of Gruether's Catholics belonged to the parish of St. Michael in Zug (1965 Allenwinden became an independent parish). The Grueth knights were citizen of Zug town, where they also had the right of exploiting forest and fields.

Zug and Grueth, in the Middle Ages Aegeri Zug and Aegeri, were exploiting land and forest in common. There is a Hofrecht of Aegeri dated 1387. After the struggles in Austria early 15th century, Zug Grueth and Aegeri achieved full freedom.

Early 16th century there were some quarrels between Zug and Grueth. The solution was: the citizen and "good people" of Grueth received the right for using the Alp Brunegg (Unteraegeri) for their cattle's and horses. Both party's should jointly observe the correct use of their rights. A judgment for a quarrel in 1518 was based on this compromise.

Later there was again a dispute between Zug and the Gruether's. The Grueter's argued that Zug was mismanaging the joint housekeeping. Two Gruether were imprisoned in Zug. A serious row followed, the forest was destroyed, due to deliberate overuse, for 50 years. Baar, Aegeri and Menzingen were involved in the dispute too. Since 1846 Grueth is independent. Between 1874 and 1879 there were some tough negotiations between Einwohnergemeinde, Buergergemeinde and Korporation. Who would get which rights/responsibilities and which properties and assets. Especially in Baar emotions run high.

According to an article in "Heimatbuch Baar: Ursprung und Entwicklung der Zuger Gemeinden..." by Josef Wyss, 
the "Libell" of Dec 4th 1604 shows Baar as having four Korporationen, and "Grüt was added later".

Old families of Grueth:

Grueth us dem

Konrad, Hemma Heinrich, Jahrzeitbuch

Grueth von

Sybilla, 1107, name zu Seedorf.

Theodosius was 1547 chaplain in Zug

1711 there were 18 persons living




3 brothers, Johansen, Haensli, Heinrich bought land from Rudolf von Huenenberg in 1416, that land was formerly owned by the Wildenburg's

Wildenburg: the ruin is still existing


von und an dem Grueth

Nobles of Schnabelburg

Ruins on Albis mountain



Wildenburg von

The second abbess of the monastery Seedorf (founded 1099) was Mrs. Juliana von Wildenburg

Seedorf: southern end of Urnersee (Vierwaldstaettersee)

Today's families:


Rudolf Andermatt, accepted as Grueth citizen in 1626, paid 35 Gulden

Andermatt is a common name for Baar citizen. Matt means meadow, grassland.


Were living in Gruet since 1350, were only accepted in 1651.

Edmund Bilgerig was monk, 1885 vicar in Mels, died 1904 in the Zug monastery


Accepted 1626


Christian Stammler, priest, provoked as minister in Baar many disputes.

Karl Stammler moved to Bremgarten: his son was probably Monsignore Dr. Jakob Stammler, bishop of Basel-Lugano, he was declared persona not grata by the Dioezesan-Konference on 3rd July 1906 and elected as Bishop a day later by the Domkapitel. A fortnight later he was heartily welcomed by his father town Baar.


Stocker Rudolf accepted 1626, paid 600 Gulden.

Stocker Ulrich, Schochenmuehle earls 17th cent.

Stocker Christian, priest in Baar, drowned 1726 together with the minister of Risch in the Zugersee.

Stocker Beat Jakob Sivan, provost in Arth, 1866 elected as minister in Baar, but rejected the post.

Stocker Karl Franz, member of the Kantonsrat

Schochenmuehle: between Baar and Steinhausen.

Arth: Southern end of Zugersee


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Notes from Crest book:
Gruet, Allenwinden (Kanton Zug, Switzerland)

On the following page a extract from the local Crest-Book.
I've substituted ae.oe, ue for the Umlaut-characters


Gruet used to be a fief from the Habsburg House. Around 1380 a Peter V. Storch paid interest to a foundation in Zug. Documents in Baar mention a lot of such sources off Gruet.

From the 14. Century a family name can be understood. Until after 1560 "Grueter" are named.

It can be assumed that a noble lineage in Zuerich, appearing 1363, came from here. 1711 there were 18 persons of the Zuerich families living.

Last connections were between the Zuerich families of old faith and the monastery Taenikon, with Diessenhofen and Schaffhausen.

In den Bergguetern Gruet um Allenwinden besaßen die Herren von Huenenberg seit 1283 Lehen von Habsburg. Von solchen leistete Peter V. Storch um 1380 den Zins einer Jahrzeitstiftung nach Zug. Das Baarer Jahrzeitbuch nennt eine außerordentlich große Zahl dieser Herkunft von Gruet, wenige auch das von Zug, so daß sie fuer das 14. Jahrhundert als Familiennamen aufzufassen sind. Bis nach 1560 sind sodann Grueter genannt.

Daß das seit 1363 in Zuerich erscheinende Edelgeschlecht von hier stamme, wie Joachim von Gruet ueberliefert, ist nicht von der Hand zu weisen. So nach einer Kopie seiner Handschrift ueber das Altarssakrament, welche durch die Hand eines Zuger Pfarrers in Diessenhofen in den Besitz Zurlaubens gelangte. Auch seine Angabe, es habe im Gruet ein «SchIoß» gestanden, mag durch einen Eintrag des Zuger Jahrzeitbuchs von 1514 bestaetigt sein, wonach ein Turm beim Steren im Außergruet stand. Nach diesen Handschriften lebten 1711 noch 18 Personen der nachmals zuercherischen Familie. Die letzten schweizerischen Beziehungen verbanden diese altglaeubigen Zuercher mit dem Kloster Taenikon, mit Diessenhofen und Schaffhausen.

Stadlin III, 334. —
Quellenwerk 11/2, 305. —
Urkundenbuch Reg. 5. 1337. —
Jahrzeitbuch Zug Reg. 5. 365. —
Baar, Heimatklaenge 1938, 103. —
Schlachtenjahrzeit 290. —
Andermatt, Korporationsbuerger 61. —
Handschrift Bibl.
Zurlauben 47 q der Kantons-
bibliothek Aarau. Dazu Strebel
Kurt, Die Benediktinerabtei Muri
in nachreformatorischer Zeit
1549—1596. Winterthur 1967.
S. 172.— Lexikon III. 778.—
Namenstudien 57, 360.

Wappen: in Gelb schwarze entwurzelte Stuppe mit Braenden (5. Abb.).

Wappenbuecher von P. A. Wickart, S. 59 und 81, und von Hypothekarschreiber Anton Wickart in Zug. So in den Kloestern Muri und Taenikon, auf Grabmaelern und Scheiben. Doch weist wenigstens in Schaenis das Siegel der AEbtissin Caecilia (1652—64) nur eine entwurzelte Stuppe ohne Brand auf. Ebenso ein Siegel Ende 1798 des Paul Dominik von Gruet im Unterhof Diessenhofen, bei Zurlauben Acta 68, Kantonsbibliothek Aarau.

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